What Is a Synonym for the Word Partnership
a group that represents businesses, workers or the state as part of a social partnership model What about the thirty thousand dollars you received for this partnership scam? English version of the thesaurus of business partners and partnership partnerships, association, partnership, alliance, cooperation, partnership, asociación, alianza, cooperation, partners, partners, associations, partners, partners, partnership, concert, alliances, conjunction, cpf This partnership lasted until the end of Mr. Hilliard`s life. Soon after, he entered into a partnership with his teacher. Even Toby used his claim to a partnership to bring about his downfall. This partnership was soon concluded by the death of the former member. We have formed a partnership with a capital of sixty thousand dollars. After being called to the bar, Mr. Chipman accepted him into an association. In the long term, we need a strong and mature partnership with Saudi Arabia, it is in our interest to ensure that the relationship is strong. Going forward, Texas will continue to implement strong border security efforts, and this partnership will help us do everything in our power to stem the flow of illegal immigration. His brother was director of vaudeville in association with Raymond Deslandes.
She had brought Anna into business with her, but the burden of partnership was still on Harriet. The alliance, in its most common use, is a link formed by treaties between sovereign states as well as for mutual assistance in time of war. Partnership is a mercantile word; Mainly political or conjugal alliance. The coalition is most often used by political parties; Fusion is now the most common word in this sense. In an alliance between nations, there is no surrender of sovereignty and no union, except for a certain time and a certain purpose. League and Alliance are used with barely noticeable differences in meaning. In a confederation or confederation, an attempt is made to unite separate states in a general government without renouncing sovereignty. The union involves so many concessions that the different states are one. Federation is primarily a poetic and rhetorical word that expresses something of the same thought as in Tennyson`s “Federation of the World,” Locksley Hall, l.
128. The United States is neither a confederation nor an alliance; The nation could be called a federation, but prefers to be called a federal union. Those times are ripe for speculation, but there hasn`t been a tie-up with Amazon`s partnership regarding Waitrose, and I wouldn`t expect there to be one either. A company that is one of two or more persons who own a business and share its profits and losses. A company so owned is called a partnership and is usually a company that provides professional services such as legal and financial advice “effective language learning is a partnership between the school, teacher and student”; “The Action Teams worked in partnership with the government” This is an important and historic moment that celebrates the strong bond between our two nations, India and the UK share the same values and we are a partnership on an equal footing. This enduring friendship is just one of the many legacies Gandhi left behind. A partner has the right to claim some or all of the company`s funds. The nuclear power plant is the embodiment of a strategic partnership. Preposition: Alliance with a neighboring people; against the common enemy; for attack and defence; Alliance of, between or between nations. Synonyms:Syndicate, association, enterprise, enterprise, common interest, cooperation, company, hosting a group of products or enterprises produced or owned by the same company a group of organizations, in particular enterprises that have a common purpose the members of a company formed by British contract A split occurs when an enterprise is separated from a larger group separates, to which it belonged, a contract between two or more people who agree to pool talent and money and share profits or losses a process in which two organizations join and make a big one to start a close business relationship with someone Synonyms: Checkerberry, Squaw-Vine, Winterklee (Mitchella repens) undertakes a company, an organization or country, which has an agreement or employment relationship with another company, etc. For example, a company that owns a book publisher, a film producer and a television company may use the same commodity in all of these companies. A friendly takeover is a takeover in which a company has agreed that another company should buy it to accommodate two or more organizations, companies, etc.
and make a single big one an agreement between two companies to work together on a specific job, usually to share any risk associated with a U.S. partner in a company that has no control over how the company is run to give work to another company by having a written legal agreement, instead of using your own company to make synonyms: connection, interest, participation, teaming up with someone else to do something, like starting a predominantly Uk business, when a business leaves or is dissolved, it is separated from a large company or is divided into many small businesses when a large company or organisation devours a smaller one, it takes control of it…