Sample Articles of Incorporation for Profit Florida
We hope you found the examples of articles above useful. If you wish, Click and Inc. can manage the incorporation process on your behalf, draft and file your Florida charter and return the submitted documents to you. You will find that the agent registered in Florida must sign your florida nonprofit charter. The agent`s signature registered in Florida does not need to be an original signed signature. If you want to hire “Northwest” as a registered agent in Florida, our signature is already on the items in your online account. Prepare, sign, submit with an original signature and application fee, this is the minimum information required. State of Montana (this coin for the use of the Secretary of State only) Statutes for domestic Profit Corporation Mail: linda. The Florida Companies Division provides you with model regulations.
However, to apply for tax-exempt status with the IRS, items must include the language provided by the IRS on your items. This language can be found on page 7 of the IRS Instructions for Form 1023 (PDF file) on the IRS website. For a more detailed explanation and sample settlement, see IRS Publication 557, page 22 and page 69, respectively. Nonprofit corporations are incorporated under state laws called not-for-profit corporation laws. This is separate and different from the federal income tax exemption, which requires a separate application (Form 1023 or 1024) to be filed with the Internal Revenue Service AFTER the organization is properly incorporated under state law. Articles filed pursuant to california corporations code: 1. The company name is 2. The purpose of the company is to participate in a legal act or activity for which a company can be organized. Form 201 General Information (Certificate of Incorporation of a For-Profit Corporation) The attached form is designed to meet the minimum legal filing requirements in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code. This form and the information provided are not. When designing your regulations, you may want to check out the examples of Florida articles we`ve provided below.
Feel free to use these examples of free articles as you wish. Below is an example of the laws for Florida, with the language required by the IRS added (Note: My comment is in red italics. Do not include my comment in your articles): This law for national for-profit societies the state-specific form must be submitted to the competent state authority in accordance with state law in order to form a new company. The form contains basic information. Notwithstanding any other provision of these sections, this Company may not engage in any other activity that may not be carried on, (a) by a Company exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the equivalent section of any future federal tax law, or (b) a corporation, whose contributions under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code or the equivalent section of any future Federal Tax Act is deductible. To start your nonprofit in Florida, all you have to do is file “settlements” with the state and pay the processing fee. You can actually prepare and submit your nonprofit charter online on the state`s website if you wish. However, I recommend that you prepare your paper articles first so that you are ready with the information you need for online filing in case you decide to do it online.
There are also online startup services that can help you. Online incorporation services are usually a much more cost-effective option than hiring a lawyer. (Disclaimer: My submission of model laws should not be construed as legal advice. The above articles are taken directly from the Florida Department of State Companies Division website. I added the IRS language required to qualify for federal tax-exempt status. While many small not-for-profit organizations prepare their own bylaws, there is no substitute for qualified legal counsel who meets your specific needs. (The founder is the person who creates the company by signing the articles of association and delivering/sending them to the state. In most nonprofits, it would be either the founder or the lawyer who prepares the articles. The founder and the registered agent may or may not be the same person). Florida does not offer its nonprofit statutes with the language added for the IRS tax exemption. They ask you to go to the IRS website to find the wording, but we`ve saved you the hassle.
Here`s the exact wording of federal authorities in our free nonprofit bill, specifically for Florida. This page is about starting a public charity, which is a 501(c)(3) charity. Other types of organizations, such as social clubs, chambers of commerce, or social charities, will find that the language they need is slightly different from what is given here. In other words, the following examples of sections do not refer to organizations that intend to be exempt from tax under sections other than paragraph 501(c)(3). Among the mixed organizations to which the sample sections would not apply are those requesting an exemption under sections 501(c)(4), 501(c)(6) and 501(c)(7) of the IRC. Upon dissolution, termination or liquidation of the Company, the assets will be distributed for one or more tax-exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the equivalent section of a future federal tax law, or distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government. for public use. These assets, which are not disposed of in this way, will be sold by a competent court of the county in which the registered office of the company is then located exclusively for these purposes or to organizations or organizations, such as this court, which are organized and operated exclusively for these purposes. (It is also permissible to name certain 501(c)(3) organizations to which distribution must be made in the event of dissolution or termination.) The Company is organized solely for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including distribution to organizations considered exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the equivalent section of any future federal tax law. (In addition to the language mentioned above, you can also add more specific goals, for example: The company is organized to provide food, shelter, and counseling to homeless people in Pinellas County, Florida. In all cases, you must ensure that the objectives of the organization are limited to the purposes authorized under Section 501(c)(3). ) The procedures for the election or appointment of directors shall be laid down in the articles of association of the company.
(You must write statutes) The company name is: __ No significant part of the Company`s activities may consist of propaganda or attempt to influence legislation, and the Company may not participate in or interfere in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to a candidate for public office (including the publication or dissemination of statements). . The company name is: __ You cannot use “Company” or “Co.” No portion of the Company`s net profit shall benefit from or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers or other persons, except that the Company has the power and authority to pay reasonable remuneration for the services rendered and to make payments and distributions to further the objectives referred to in Article III. I submit this document and confirm that the facts presented here are true. I am aware that false information provided in a state department document constitutes a third-degree crime as set forth in Section 817.155, F.S. Founder`s Signature: ___ Corporate identity theft is a general term that encompasses a variety of crimes involving the unauthorized use of a corporate identity. small and medium-sized enterprises are tempting. The purpose for which the company is organized is: In general, in order to start a charity that operates in Florida, you need to understand the following:. .